
Shipping & returns

Delivery is FREE on all orders over R850, and costs R60 for orders under R850.

Our preferred delivery method is to deliver via courier to your door at the shipping address given on your order. This address can be at your home or office. You will receive emails with courier/waybill details as soon as the order is dispatched so that you can track your parcel. We can also send via Pargo to one of their collection points near you.

If your order is very small, or to an outlying area, we will sometimes send it via Pargo to one of their collection points near you. We will check with you first.

We dispatch from South Africa and provided we have stock, your order is usually be dispatched within 1-2 days.

Delivery to JHB, Pretoria and Durban takes 1 -2 days (usually one), and to Cape Town 2-3 days, usually two.

Shipping to other countries is done on a quote basis. Please email us if you would like a quote.